Search results
- The equilibrium of parliamentary law-making : comparative perspectives on the role of courts in a democracy / Viktor Kazai. London : ; New York : Routledge : Taylor & Francis Inc., 2025 . xii, 170 stran . ISBN 978-1-032-74646-3 Signatura Z 4764
JU - The language of constitutional comparison / Francois Venter. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub, 2022 . ix, 276 stran . ISBN 978-1-80088-257-7 Signatura Z 4663
UP - Ursprünge der richterlichen Normenkontrolle im Verfassungsrecht der Vereinigten Staaten, 1761-1803 / Lukas Wolfgang Lübben. Tübengen : Mohr - Siebeck, 2021 . ix, 534 stran . ISBN 978-3-16-155078-2 Signatura Z 4505
UO - Vergessene Wurzeln der konzentrierten Normenkontrolle in Österreich = Forgotten roots of concentrated judicial review in Austria / Ewald Wiederin. Wien : Verlag Österreich, 2021 . 247 stran . ISBN 978-3-7046-8713-5 Signatura Z 4514
JU - International judicial review : when should international courts intervene? / Shai Dothan. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020 . ix, 161 stran . ISBN 978-1-108-48876-1 Signatura Z 4579
JU - Judicial review handbook / by Michael Fordham ; foreword by Lord Woolf. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2020 . xxi, 969 stran . ISBN 978-1-50992-283-3 Signatura Z 4451
PV - Constitutions compared : an introduction to comparative constitutional law / Aalt Willem Heringa. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2019 . xv, 326 stran . ISBN 978-1-78068-883-1 Signatura Z 4242
SV - Process-based fundamental rights review : practice, concept, and theory / Leonie M. Huijbers. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2019 . xx, 462 stran . ISBN 978-1-78068-887-9 Signatura Z 4456
MV - Právo a povinnosť združovať sa : (verejnoprávne aspekty) / Soňa Košičiarová. Praha : Leges, 2019 . 370 stran . ISBN 978-80-7502-415-2 Signatura M 9006
OP - Comparative judicial review / edited by Erin F. Delaney, Rosalind Dixon. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub, 2018 . xv, 445 stran . ISBN 978-1-78811-059-4 Signatura Z 4164