Number of the records: 1
The Chimera of proportionality
Main entry-name Lacey, Nicola, (author) Title statement The Chimera of proportionality : institutionalising limits on punishment in contemporary social and political systems Another responsib. Pickard, Hanna, (author)
Translated title Chiméra proporcionality : institucionalizace limitů pro ukládání trestních sankcí v současných sociálních a politických systémech In The modern law review. - Vol. 78 (2015), no. 2, s. 216-240 Edition on Another Medium Lacey, Nicola. The Chimera of proportionality : institutionalising limits on punishment in contemporary social and political systems Subj. Headings Ukládání trestu Trestání odsouzených Penologie Proporcionalita práva Princip proporcionality Test proporcionality Form, Genre článek Signatura Country Velká Británie Language English URL The Chimera of Proportionality: Institutionalising Limits on Punishment in Contemporary Social and Political Systems Database Articles References (1) - ARTICLES article
Number of the records: 1