Výsledky vyhledávání
- Judicial law-making in English and German courts : techniques and limits of statutory interpretation / Martin Brenncke. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2018 . xxxiii, 437 stran . ISBN 978-1-78068-269-3 Signatura Z 4228
JU - Democratic dialogue and the constitution / Alison L Young. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 . xvi, 308 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-878374-9 Signatura Z 3764
UO - Amicus Curiae : richterliche Informationsbeschaffung durch Beteiligung Dritter / Ulrich Kühne. Tübingen : Mohr - Siebeck, 2015 . 371 s. . ISBN 978-3-16-153147-7 Signatura Z 3303
JU-KüAm - Judicial independence and accountability in the UK have both emerged stronger as a result of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. -- In: Public law -- ISSN 0033-3565. -- 2015, April, s. 198-206.
- Undignified rights : the importance of a basis in dignity for the possession of human rights in the United Kingdom. -- In: Public law -- ISSN 0033-3565. -- 2015, April, s. 241-257.
- Human rights law / Merris Amos. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2014 . lxxxvii, 705 stran . ISBN 978-1-84946-380-5 Signatura Z 4313