Výsledky vyhledávání
- All´s well that ends well? – Das EU/VK-Handels- und Kooperationsabkommen. -- In: Neue juristische Wochenschrift -- ISSN 0341-1915. -- Jhrg. 74, (2021), Heft 7, s. 417-424.
- The challenges to trust-based governance in the European Union : assessing the use of mutual trust as a driver of EU integration. -- In: European law journal -- ISSN 1351-5993. -- Vol. 25, (2019), no. 1, s. 37-56.
- Pokuta za porušení povinnosti stanovené unijním právem při prodeji vína; povinnost předložit předběžnou otázku ESD : nález ÚS z 5. 9. 2019, sp. zn. II. ÚS 1608/19. -- In: Soudní rozhledy -- ISSN 1211-4405. -- Roč. 25, (2019), č. 11-12, s. 360-361.
- Economic freedom and economic rights : direction, significance and ideology. -- In: European law journal -- ISSN 1351-5993. -- Vol. 24, (2018), no. 1, s. 21-35.
- European federalism : pitfalls and possibilities. -- In: European law journal -- ISSN 1351-5993. -- Vol. 23 (2017), no. 5, s. 361-379.
- Towards more resilience for a social EU – the constitutionally conditioned internal market. -- In: European constitutional law review -- ISSN 1574-0196. -- Vol. 13, (2017), no. 4, s. 611-640.
- Explaining the constitutional drivers behind a perceived judicial preference for free movement over fundamental rights. -- In: Common market law review -- ISSN 0165-0750. -- Vol. 53 (2016), no. 3, s. 643–677.
- 'The crisis, national economic particularism and EU law : what can we learn from the Hungarian case?'. -- In: Common market law review -- ISSN 0165-0750. -- Vol. 53 (2016), no. 6, s. 1647-1674.
- Erosion of constitutional rights in EU law : a call for ‘substantive co-operative constitutionalism’. -- In: Vienna journal on international constitutional law -- ISSN 2306-3734. -- Vol. 9, (2015), no. 2, s. 151-185.
- In search of a rationale for the EU citizenship jurisprudence. -- In: Oxford journal of legal studies -- ISSN 0143-6503. -- Vol. 35, (2015), no. 2, s. 301-324.