Výsledky vyhledávání

Nalezeno záznamů: 4  
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  1. Constitutional changes and the incremental reductions of collective religious freedom in Hungary.   -- In:  Vienna journal on international constitutional law -- ISSN 2306-3734. -- Vol. 10, (2016), no. 2, s. 199-219. 


  2. ‘Last resort - Association for Self-Determined Death’ : the freedom of association within the two-track system of judicial review in Austria, Austrian Constitutional Court, Judgment of 8 March 2016, E 1477/2015.   -- In:  Vienna journal on international constitutional law -- ISSN 2306-3734. -- Vol. 10, (2016), no. 2, s. 220-227. 


  3. Constitutional Court of Romania : Postal Voting, Decision No 799 of 11 November 2015.   -- In:  Vienna journal on international constitutional law -- ISSN 2306-3734. -- Vol. 10, (2016), no. 2, s. 228-235. 


  4. Croatian Constitutional Court : Suspension of the New Family Act, and ‘Re-Enacting’ the Old One Judgment of 12 January 2015, U-I-3101/2014 and others.   -- In:  Vienna journal on international constitutional law -- ISSN 2306-3734. -- Vol. 10, (2016), no. 2, s. 236-242. 


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