Výsledky vyhledávání

Nalezeno záznamů: 2  
Váš dotaz: Autor osobní jméno = "Tičić Martina"
  1. Cofola International 2022 : Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes : Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes / Klára Drličková, Radovan Malachta, Patrik Provazník (eds.).    Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2022 . 1 online zdroj (465 stran) . ISBN 978-80-280-0231-2
    Cofola International 2022 : Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes

    počítačový soubor

  2. Cofola International 2022 : Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes : current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes / Klára Drličková, Radovan Malachta, Patrik Provazník (eds.).    Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2022 . 465 stran . ISBN 978-80-280-0230-5   Signatura M 9222
    Cofola International 2022 : Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes


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