Search results
- The bound executive: Emergency powers during the pandemic. -- In: International journal of constitutional law -- ISSN 1474-2640. -- Vol. 19, (2021), no. 5, s. 1498-1535.
- Minority government : a challenge for Belgian Constitutional Law . -- In: European public law -- ISSN 1354-3725. -- Vol. 26, (2020), no. 4, s. 823-842.
- Die Verantwortlichkeit der Bundesregierung für teilprivatisierte Unternehmen im Kontext demokratischer Legitimation : BVerfG, Urt. v. 07.11.17 – 2 BvE 2/11. -- In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt -- ISSN 0012-1363. -- Jhrg. 133, (2018), Heft 13, s. 871-879.
- Teorie veřejné moci (vládnutí) / Karel Klíma. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2016 . 427 stran . ISBN 978-80-7552-331-0 Signatura M 7596
TS - Domestic implementation of human rights judgments in Europe : legal infrastructure and government effectiveness matter. -- In: European journal of international law -- Vol. 25 (2014), No. 1, s. 205-227.
- Domestic implementation of European Court of Human Rights judgments : legal infrastructure and government effectiveness matter : a reply to Dia Anagnostou and Alina Mungiu-Pippidi. -- In: European journal of international law -- Vol. 25 (2014), No. 1, s. 229-238.
- National responses to human rights judgments : the need for government co-ordination and implementation. -- In: European human rights -- ISSN 1361-1526. -- 2012, Iss. 6, s. 639-653.
- L´administration territoriale britannique: du local gover. -- In: Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger -- ISSN 0035-2578. -- 2011, Tome 127, No. 1, s. 221-244.
- O spoločenskej zmluve / Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Bratislava : Kalligram, 2010 . 167 s. . ISBN 978-80-8101-248-8 Signatura Z 3139
TS-RoOs - Teorie veřejné moci (vládnutí) / Karel Klíma. Praha : ASPI, 2006 . 424 s. . ISBN 80-7357-179-X Signatura M 4010