Search results
- Sacchi u.a. gegen Argentinien u.a. – kein Pyrrhussieg / Zum ersten Klimafall des Kinderrechtsausschusses der Vereinten Nationen. -- In: Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift -- ISSN 0341-9800. -- Jhrg. 49, (2022), Heft 1-8, s. 7-13.
- Climate Change before the European Court of Human Rights: Capturing Rights, Ill-Treament and. -- In: European journal of international law -- ISSN 0938-5428. -- Vol. 33, (2022), no. 3, s. 925-951.
- Responsive human rights : vulnerability, ill-treatment and the ECtHR / Corina Heri. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2021 . xii, 247 stran . ISBN 978-1-50994-123-0 Signatura Z 4649
EP - Loyalty, subsidiarity, and Article 18 ECHR : how the EctHR deals with Mala Fide limitations of rights. -- In: European convention on human rights law review -- ISSN 2666-3228. -- Vol. 1, (2020), Iss. 1, s. 25-61.
- Coercive human rights : positive duties to mobilise the criminal law under the ECHR / edited by Laurens Lavrysen, Natasa Mavronicola. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2020 . xiv, 307 stran . ISBN 978-1-50993-787-5 Signatura Z 4521
TP - The human rights covenants at 50 : their past, present, and future / edited by Daniel Moeckli, Helen Keller ; asistant editor Corina Heri. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 . xxxii, 360 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-882589-0 Signatura Z 4211
MV - Head-covering bans in Belgian courtrooms and beyond : headscarf persecution and the comlicity of supranational courts. -- In: Human rights quarterly -- ISSN 0275-0392. -- Vol. 39 (2017), no. 4, s. 882-909.