Search results
- What’s Constitutional about Revolutions?. -- In: Oxford journal of legal studies -- ISSN 0143-6503. -- Vol. 42, (2022), no. 2, s. 608-701.
- Revolutionary constitutionalism. -- In: International journal of constitutional law -- ISSN 1474-2640. -- Vol. 15, (2017), no. 1, s. 173-200.
- Eternity clauses in post-conflict and post-authoritarian constitution-making : promise and limits. -- In: Global constitutionalism -- ISSN 2045-3817. -- Vol. 6, (2017), no. 1, s. 63-100.
- Protecting the constitutional rights of religious minorities in the wake of the Arab Spring. -- In: European human rights -- ISSN 1361-1526. -- 2016, Iss. 1, s. 48-60.
- Konstitucija kak archajičnyj pravovoj instrument : postanovka problemy. -- In: Gosudarstvo i pravo -- ISSN 0132-0769. -- 2016, no. 7, s. 101-105.
- Constitutional courts and political uncertainty : constitutional ruptures and the rule of judges. -- In: International journal of constitutional law -- ISSN 1474-2640. -- Vol. 14, (2016), no. 4, s. 817-850.
- Landtová, Holubec, and the problem of an uncooperative court : implications for the preliminary rulings procedure. -- In: European constitutional law review -- ISSN 1574-0196. -- Vol. 10, (2014), No. 1, s. 54-89.
- Three arenas of struggle : a contextual approach to the constituent power of ‘the people’. -- In: Global constitutionalism -- ISSN 2045-3817. -- Vol. 3, (2014), No. 2, s. 200-235.
- Landtová, Holubec, and the problem of an uncooperative court : implications for the preliminary rulings procedure. -- In: European constitutional law review -- ISSN 1574-0196. -- Vol. 10 (2014) , No. 1, s. 54-89.
- The mirage of the Arab Spring. Deal with the region you have, not the region you want. -- In: Foreign affairs -- ISSN 0015-7120. -- Vol. 92, (2013), No. 1, January - February, s. 55-63.