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- Imunita a neodpovědnost členů parlamentu / Jan Kudrna. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2021 . xii, 322 stran . ISBN 978-80-7552-170-5 Signatura M 9014
TS - Proměny parlamentní kultury / Jan Wintr. Praha : Auditorium, 2021 . 328 stran . ISBN 978-80-87284-902 Signatura M 9043
TS - Der Verfassungsstaat in der Corona-Krise / von Jens Kersten, Stephan Rixen. München : Verlag C. H. Beck, 2020 . 181 stran . ISBN 978-3-406-76012-9 Signatura Z 4396
UP - Sto let československé ústavy / do publikace přispěli V. Augustinová, P. Houdek, O. Šmejkalová, O. Tikovský, P. Valenta. Praha : Kancelář Poslanecké sněmovny, odbor Parlamentní knihovna a Archiv Poslanecké sněmovny, 2020 . 77 stran . ISBN 978-80-907379-2-1 Signatura M 8882
UC - Constitutions compared : an introduction to comparative constitutional law / Aalt Willem Heringa. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2019 . xv, 326 stran . ISBN 978-1-78068-883-1 Signatura Z 4242
SV - Constitutional reform of national legislatures : bicameralism under pressure / edited by Richard Albert, Antonia Baraggia, Cristina Fasone. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub, 2019 . xix, 296 stran . ISBN 978-1-78897-863-7 Signatura Z 4571
TS - Parliament and the law / edited by Alexander Horne and Gavin Drewry. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2018 . xvi, 389 stran . ISBN 978-1-50990-871-4 Signatura Z 4087
TS - Constitutional change through Euro-crisis law / edited by Thomas Beukers, Bruno de Witte, Claire Kilpatrick. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 . xi, 344 stran . ISBN 978-1-107-18449-7 Signatura Z 3913
UO - National and regional parliaments in the EU-legislative procedure post-Lisbon : the impact of the early warning mechanism / edited by Anna Jonsson Cornell and Marco Goldoni. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2017 . xi, 368 stran . ISBN 978-1-78225-917-6 Signatura Z 4084
EP - The international human rights judiciary and national parliaments : Europe and beyond / edited by Matthew Saul, Andreas Follesdal, Geir Ulfstein. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 . xii, 403 stran . ISBN 978-1-107-18374-2 Signatura Z 4063