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- Supreme power : Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court / Jeff Shesol. New York : Norton W.W. & Company, 638 s. . ISBN 978-0-393-33881-2 Signatura Z 3027
UO-.... - Supreme courts under pressure : controlling caseload in the administration of civil justice / editors Pablo Bravo-Hurtado, Cornelis Hendrik van Rhee. Cham : Springer nature Switzerland, 2021 . vii, 233 stran . ISBN 978-3-030-63730-9 Signatura Z 4460
JU - The U.S. Supreme court : a very short introduction / Linda Greenhouse. New York : Oxford University Press, 2020 . 139 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-007981-9 Signatura Z 4467
JU - Dějiny Nejvyššího soudu Spojených států : legendární soudci, významné případy a právní doktríny / Martin Dostál. Praha : Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, 2020 . 731 stran . ISBN 978-80-87439-47-0 Signatura M 8873
JU - Scalia speaks : reflections on law, faith, and life well lived / Antonin Scalia ; edited by Christopher J. Scalia and Edward Whelan. New York : Crown forum, 2017 . xi, 420 stran . ISBN 978-0-525-57332-6 Signatura Z 4057
PV - The U.S. Supreme court and racial minorities : two centuries of judicial review on trial / by Leslie F. Goldstein. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Pub, 2017 . xvii, 461 stran . ISBN 978-1-78643-882-9 Signatura Z 4341
MV - Managed speech : the Roberts Court's first amendment / Gregory P. Magarian. New York : Oxford University Press, 2017 . xxii, 269 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-0466794 Signatura Z 4332
JU - Our republican constitution : securing the liberty and sovereignty of we the people / by Randy E. Barnett. New York : Broadside Books, 2016 . xiv, 296 stran . ISBN 978-0-06-241228-7 Signatura Z 3816
UO - International human rights protection : balanced, critical, realistic / Marc Bossuyt ; prefaces Theo van Boven, Paul Mahoney. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2016 . xix, 231 stran . ISBN 978-1-78068-400-0 Signatura Z 3845
MV - Constitutional courts in comparison : the U.S. Supreme court and the German federal constitutional court / Ralf Rogowski, Thomas Gawron. New York : Berghahn Books, 2016 . xii, 304 stran . ISBN 978-1-78533-273-9 Signatura Z 3647