Number of the records: 1
Law in transition
Title statement Law in transition : human rights, development and transitional justice / edited by Ruth Buchanan, Peer Zumbansen Another responsib. Buchanan, Ruth, (editor)
Zumbansen, Peer, 1966- (editor)
Issue data Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2014 Phys.des. xvi, 355 s. ISBN 978-1-84946-592-2 Subj. Headings Tranziční spravedlnost Sociální spravedlnost Lidská práva Form, Genre sborník Signatura Z 3153 Country Velká Británie Language English Copy count 1, currently available 1 Database Monografie Stavěcí znak MV-Lawi Call number Track No. Location Sublocation Info Z 3153 7366 Ústavní soud ČR VVMV
Number of the records: 1