Výsledky vyhledávání
- Contract Law When the Poor Pay More. -- In: Oxford journal of legal studies -- ISSN 0143-6503. -- Vol. 44, (2024), no. 2, s. 257-285.
- Fair market constitutionalism : from neo-liberal to democratic liberal economic governance. -- In: Oxford journal of legal studies -- ISSN 0143-6503. -- Vol. 43, (2023), no. 2, s. 221-248.
- Reconstructing State Obligations to Protect and Fulfil Socio-economic Rights in an Era of Marketisation. -- In: International and comparative law quarterly -- ISSN 0020-5893..
- Jak trhy vytlačují morálku / Michael Sandel a kol. ; z anglického originálu How markets crowd out morals přeložili Martin Brabec a Miluš Kotišová. Praha : Filosofia, 2020 . 100 stran . ISBN 978-80-7007-643-9 Signatura M 8831
FT - Tell me where you come from and I will tell you the price : ambiguous expansion of prohibited geographical price discrimination in the EU. -- In: Common market law review -- ISSN 0165-0750. -- Vol. 56, (2019), no. 1, s. 23-60.
- The human rights-based approach to higher education : why human rights norms should guide higher education law and policy / Jane Kotzmann. New York : Oxford University Press, 2018 . xxii, 265 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-086349-4 Signatura Z 4216
MV - A curtain of gloom is descending on the continent : capitalism, democracy and Europe. -- In: European law journal -- ISSN 1351-5993. -- Vol. 23 (2017), no. 5, s. 335-349.
- Pojmowanie wolności przedsiębiorczości w kontekście współczesnych uwarunkowań. -- In: Państwo i prawo -- ISSN 0031-0980. -- Vol. 70 (2015), no. 2, s. 3-18.
- Comparative labour law and industrial relations in industrialized market economies / editor: Roger Blanpain. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2014 . xxxvii, 845 stran . ISBN 978-90-411-4987-9 Signatura Z 3462
PP - Steuerrecht und Marktstabilität. -- In: Juristen Zeitung -- ISSN 0022-6882. -- 2012, Jhrg. 67, Heft 5, s. 243-250.