Výsledky vyhledávání
- Press freedom and regulation in a digital era : a comparative study / Irini Katsirea. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2024 . xxii, 296 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-885860-7 Signatura Z 4773
PI - Global Islamophobia and the rise of populism / Edited by Sahar F. Aziz, John L. Esposito. New York : Oxford University Press, 2024 . x, 281 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-764900-8 Signatura Z 4787
aa - The abuse of constitutional identity in the European union / Julian Scholtes. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023 . xiii, 218 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-888317-3 Signatura Z 4658
EP - Positive obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights : within and beyond boundaries / Vladislava Stoyanova. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023 . xx, 331 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-288804-4 Signatura Z 4659
EP - International criminal tribunals and domestic accountability : in the court's shadow / Patryk I. Labuda. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023 . xxiv, 343 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-886884-2 Signatura Z 4671
TP - Law of the European convention on human rights / David Harris ... [et al.]. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023 . lxx, 1011 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-886200-0 Signatura Z 4689
MV - Fundamental rigths in the European union /. Oxford : Oxford University Press, Změna data vydání z 2012 na 2022 . ISBN 978-0-19-954849-1
- Children and the European court of human rights / Claire Fenton-Glynn. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021 . xvii, 434 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-878751-8 Signatura Z 4447
MV - The European Union and human rights : analysis, cases, and materials / Jan Wouters and Michal Ovádek ; with the editorial assistance of Katrien Martens. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021 . xliii, 723 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-881418-4 Signatura Z 4462
EP - The customary international law of human rights / William A. Schabas. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021 . xlii, 386 stran . ISBN 978-0-19-284569-6 Signatura Z 4504