Počet záznamů: 1  

Human rights imperialists

  1. Záhlaví-jméno Mallory, Conall, (autor)
    Údaje o názvuHuman rights imperialists : the extraterritorial application of the European convention on human rights / Conall Mallory
    Údaje o vydánífirst published
    První nakladatelOxford : Hart Publishing, 2020
    Fyz.popisxv, 237 stran
    PoznámkyObsahuje bibliografii, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík
    AnotaceFew issues have posed more of a challenge for the European Court of Human Rights in recent years than the Convention's extraterritorial application. This book explores why this is by reflecting on how the issue has been approached by the primary interpreters of the treaty: the Strasbourg Court, Contracting Parties and National Courts. This is achieved through a detailed engagement with the previous jurisprudence on the Convention's extraterritorial application, and a particular focus on the activities of British authorities and judiciary during and after the Iraq War (2003). Litigation emerging from this conflict has been pivotal in constructing the current understanding of extraterritorial obligations, as well as drawing out some of its more challenging aspects. The book contends that by focusing on the interpretive behavior of the groups with the primary responsibility for interpreting the treaty, an understanding can be gained with regards to what motivates and constrains their argumentative practices. From this, a better understanding of both how the law has developed and where a solution to the extraterritorial challenge can be obtained. If, as some have argued, it is imperialistic to apply the Convention's obligations extraterritorially, the attention of this book lies with the 'human rights imperialists' who have construed those obligations to apply in this manner, as it is with them that any lasting solution to this particular challenge will be found.
    Předmět.hesla European Court of Human Rights
    Úmluva o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod (5. listopadu 1950)
    Evropský soud pro lidská práva
    Úmluva o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod
    Mezinárodní trestní právo
    Vztah vnitrostátního a mezinárodního práva
    Extrateritoriální aplikace lidských práv
    SignaturaZ 4487
    Země vyd.Velká Británie
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    Počet ex.1, z toho volných 1
    Stavěcí znakEP
    Zobrazit informace o knize na stránce www.obalkyknih.cz


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    Human rights imperialists
    Human rights imperialists

Počet záznamů: 1  

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