Počet záznamů: 1
Judicial deference in international adjudication
Záhlaví-jméno Fahner, Johannes Hendrik, 1988- (autor) Údaje o názvu Judicial deference in international adjudication : a comparative analysis / Johannes Hendrik Fahner Údaje o vydání First edition První nakladatel Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2020 Fyz.popis xxxv, 270 stran ISBN 978-1-50993-228-3 Edice Studies in international law ; Volume 78 Edice/vedl.záhl. Studies in international law (Hart Publishing) ; Volume 78 Poznámky Rejstřík Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy Anotace International adjudicators are more and more often requested to pass judgement on matters that are traditionally considered to fall within the domestic jurisdiction of States. Especially in the fields of human rights, trade, and investment law, international tribunals are now commonly required to evaluate decisions of national authorities that have been made in the due course of democratic procedures and public deliberation. This raises the question of whether international adjudicators should review such decisions de novo or whether they should give deference to domestic authorities. In many national legal orders, courts do not exercise de novo review with regard to legislative and administrative decisions, as this would allow them to supplant the powers of other branches of government. Instead, courts exercise only deferential forms of review, limiting the intensity of their review by giving special weight to the determinations made by the institution under review. This book investigates whether international courts and tribunals have also adopted deferential standards of review and whether they should do so. Předmět.hesla Mezinárodní soudy Mezinárodní soudnictví Mezinárodní soudní proces Soudní proces Vztah vnitrostátního a mezinárodního práva Uznání Uznání rozhodnutí Signatura Z 4355 Země vyd. Velká Británie Jazyk dok. angličtina Počet ex. 1, z toho volných 1 Databáze Monografie Stavěcí znak JU Signatura Přír.číslo Lokace Dislokace Info Z 4355 14346 Ústavní soud ČR VVJU
Počet záznamů: 1